Be real in driving an Experiential Marketing

Experiential Marketing
many consumers hate advertising, and spend their time flipping between channels and blocking pop-ups. For all the creativity that the ad industry gloats about, the reality is that customers hate to be interrupted with anything they perceive as commercial. they need ad-free streaming and no ad breaks– just content, as is.

How then does one engage an increasingly elusive audience, regardless of what proportion digitization has disrupted media consumption, and opened new channels to capture eyeballs?

The answer is pretty straightforward– and buried within the question itself: you engage them. You create a meaningful, emotional connection that inspires them to interact together with your business within the world . Ads and commercials, then, cease to be distractions or intrusions, but form a part of the experience.

That, for the uninitiated, is experiential marketing. But what does this mean for brands or businesses? Quite simply, you create an experience that's interdependent for both the brand and therefore the consumer– a principle which is extremely much at the guts of the business model of my startup, Surkus.

Through digitization, and especially , platforms like Surkus, experiential marketing has now opened the doors for businesses of all sizes, to draw in new customers, also as reinvigorate their connections with existing ones. As emotive marketing, it helps tell your brand’s story with conviction and during a compelling and holistic manner, without making your customer feel intruded upon. In doing so, you don’t simply reach bent customers– instead, they become a part of the brand journey, and appearance forward to engaging with the brand. the entire exercise enriches you with more real and tangible insights about what and the way your customer feels about your brand.

Here are five key considerations for businesses to draw upon the big potential -and cutting-edge value– to be gained from experiential marketing this year. These insights are gleaned from first-hand experience of building Surkus, serving because the only experiential marketing app within the world.


With large-scale experiential campaigns making headlines round the world, it's not uncommon for businesses to take this as an upscale exercise. But it’s time to debunk that myth: experiential marketing is quite cost agnostic. It rides on creativity, and flies high on your willingness to push the boundaries.

With the proper mixture of creativity and planning, experiential marketing are often successfully integrated into your business plan at a fraction of the perceived cost. Transparent and with success-based pricing, emotive marketing can –and must– be considered your gateway to meaningful brand engagement together with your customers this year.
Today, marketing solutions are as fragmented because the number of channels that exist. A marketing plan during this day and age may be a confusing cocktail, starting from PR outreach and omnichannel advertising to event discovery, marketing research , and influencer campaigns. Your brand is ultimately being pulled in multiple directions, almost during a desperate bid to be seen, heard, and discussed.

But what percentage of those channels, in their true essence, take into consideration customer retention? only a few , if any. for little or medium businesses, investing in these multiple channels continues to be a hope-against-hope journey that their campaign will hit the bull’s-eye. Experiential marketing steps in because the game-changing platform –because it justifies the value related to measurable returns– and more so, in its value to draw in and retain customers.

ENSURE YOU ENGAGE the precise AUDIENCE you would like to focus on

A one-size-fits-all campaign that zeroes in on your exact audience remains a utopian fantasy. It comes as no surprise then that brands got to draw upon multiple channels to assist execute their marketing plan effectively.

This is where experiential marketing has the facility to revolutionize your campaigns, and supply you with an ideal window to concentrate on your required audience– and deliver measurable results and tangible ROI within the process. By making your required customers a neighborhood of the engagement exercise, today, with several high-profile events across attracting large volumes of individuals , like GITEX, Dubai Active, Cityscape, Dubai Fashion Week, to call but a couple of , you've got credible avenues to successfully drive experiential marketing campaigns.


It is attribute to hunt real-world interactions. While digital influences and social engagement are making strides, an outsized majority of individuals (customers are human first) still prefer the touch-and-feel over virtual/social/ digital experiences. After all, because the old adage goes, didn’t the great ol’ telephone unite the family, while the mobile device divides it with distractions, even within the most sacred spaces just like the dinner table? Experiential marketing, regardless of the platform you employ to implement it, builds a way of real engagement– one that's important for sustained brand recall.

Through algorithms and data-driven insights, your customer interests and behaviors are evaluated to tailor experiential marketing campaigns that make a difference to your brand. With Surkus, for the top user, there's practically no distraction because it guides your required customer to events and offers that benefit them and their interests, in turn, lowering unimpactful advertising spend.
Experiential marketing doesn't ignore the facility of digital. It is the foremost compelling conduit for your brand to amplify its voice on social. it's indeed the simplest of impactful role-play reversals. As against a social influencer, appealing to the virtual world to “try this-brandand- that,” you've got a stream of actively engaged followers, experiencing your brand first, and taking the message to the broader world. that's the type of social amplification that your brand needs all day, every day, to drive true brand loyalty and long-term retention.

What’s becoming increasingly clear is that experiential marketing breaks many myths related to traditional advertising through its power to attach customers and makes during a seamless journey where the aspirations of both are aligned. Overriding cost concerns, creating target-specific channels, magnifying your voice on social, and yet remaining authentic, this new channel may be a powerful concept has the power to radically transform how businesses interact with consumers.

By implementing the powerful tools of experiential marketing, and addressing the very real disconnect between what customers want, and what we as an industry are giving them, advertisers and makes can leverage these learnings to supply meaningful campaigns that transcend the normal boundaries of advertiser and consumer.

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