Bitcoin miners doing more than just securing the Bitcoin network

bitcoin mining network

BTC mining and the miners, themselves, feel to be doing further than just securing the Bitcoin network What do a swimming pool, beef jerky, a caravan, timber, beast waste, a Guatemalan lake, and a high academy have in common?

They’ve each been saved by Bitcoin (BTC) mining. From reusing “ waste” heat to getting the job done  to entering a cool blast of air to dehydrate meat, to drawing up adulterants, Bitcoin mining does more than just secure the network.
Then’s a round-up of seven times Bitcoin mining advanced a hand or simply made the world a better place.

Sustainable Bitcoin mining company Merkle Standard has taken Bitcoin mining education into its own hands. In cooperation with Bitmain, they lately blessed the rearmost in Bitcoin mining technology to Newport High School, a high academy in Washington state.

Plus, they bestowed$ and are promoting education about Bitcoin in the stopgap that it will, “ plant a seed that encourages lifelong interest in blockchain and digital mining.”

Along with the check, Ruslan Zinurov, Merkle Standard's CEO, told Cointelegraph that they will also invite scholars to their “ data center to check on their machine that's mincing to their academy’s portmanteau.

It's our top precedence to get the community agitated about Bitcoin and we can not suppose of a better way to do this than to educate the original scholars.
Adam Delderfield, business development director at Bitmain — the holding company for the Antminer Bitcoin miners “ Digital currency mining proceeds from this gift will go directly to education,” adding that “ Bitcoin mining and evidence-of- work represents an instigative new assiduity that opens up multitudinous new openings.

Bitcoiner Business Cat, who wishes to remain nameless, uses the heat vented by Bitcoin mining to dry out meat to be made into beef jerky. “ Bitcoin miners have one hell of an excess of the force of dry, heated air,” so it makes sense to channel that heat over strips of beef to make jerky Analogous to Merkle Standard, for the Business Cat, the jerky cuisine process isn't about making plutocrat “ My normal food dehydrator uses much lower energy than an S9, but hashpower dried jerky just tastes better.”

The support of the plebs on Bitcoin Twitter converted them to try out the idea. They joked that “ utmost of us (Bitcoin plebs) are natural nonconformers, so many words of praise or support from others on the path goes a long way.

The Bitcoin community is decreasingly probative of ideas that promote Bitcoin gospel and Bitcoin-only ideas, from a Bitcoin hotel in Portugal to a Bitcoin lake design in Guatemala.
Business Cat is pleased with their experience and suggests others take up home mining. They combined life advice with Bitcoin mining advice explaining Should you booby-trap Bitcoin at home? Yes. Should you learn to be a better cook? Also yes.

Bitcoin sucker Jonathan Yuan planted a cheaper, briskly, and more stable way of hotting his swimming pool in Minnesota, all thanks to Bitcoin mining.
Thanks to absorption heating, Bitcoin now powers up his pool. Indeed though Yuan doesn’t watch for swimming, his kiddies are happy to swim in the pool while he secures the Bitcoin network.

uan that the whole trial went so swimmingly that he’s now planning on hotting “ the whole house.
Michael Schmid is a well-traveled, smart Bitcoiner. When his caravan’s propane gas heater broke down, he refitted the vehicle to be warmed by the “ waste” heat from an S9 Bitcoin miner.
Schmid that he saves “ around 50 of the propane costs, which is around$2.7 per day.

Now the delightful part, the miner produces around0.00006259 BTC per day (with the current difficulty and 13 TH/ s) at the current price of 38 thousand. This is$2.40 per day, so we technically toast the airstream for free.

Plus, a kick in the teeth to the anti-Bitcoin environmentalists — hotting the Schmid family airstream with Bitcoin rather than propane gas is better for the earth.
Our Airstream has solar panels on top of it that can induce up to 400W of energy, so technically of the 1400W that the miner uses, 400W of them are tone-generated and completely renewable.

Kryptovault is a Norwegian Bitcoin mining company with arguably the greenest credentials among any assiduity. Powered by 100 hydropower, the energy it uses solves valid blocks on the Bitcoin blockchain and the heat generated by the miners blows over damp logs from an original timber shop.
In a videotape made by the company, Sveni Bjerke, CEO of original wood company Varma, which receives the miner-dried logs, says that they're “ only using redundant heat from the data center.”

The environmental success of the design has prodded further hookups. Kjetil Hove Pettersen, CEO of KryptoVault that drying out seaweed for original companies is coming soon, and they're “ constantly looking for new ways of exercising our waste heat.”

Pettersen explained," Roughly 99 of our electric energy turns into thermal energy As we know, energy is noway truly lost, it only changes form. So this is a way for us to use this energy doubly and support other original diligence in the process. I can’t suppose of any better artificial use-cases than what we're doing.

In south Guatemala, a platoon of Bitcoin miners bestowed an S9 to the original mayor, and the mining proceeds are being used to repair a wastewater treatment factory.
Bitcoin mining in the economically underprivileged region has boosted inflows while perfecting the air quality.

Plus, as Bill Whittaker, aco-founder of Bitcoin Lake the platoon is “ tone- backing carbon-negative Bitcoin mining R&D.” Two high academy scholars, Madaket and Kate, are planning a trip down to “ LakeBitcoin in early May to deliver the S17s they've been working on.”

The Bitcoin miners they bring will join the first Bitcoin miner, and naturally will be powered by renewable energy — in this case, biogas. Biogas is growing in fashionability as an energy source for Bitcoin mining.

A hothouse in the Netherlands is hotted by Bitcoin miners rather than natural gas. That is according to Bert de Groot, author of Bitcoin Bloem.
In cooperation with a large hothouse, they" placed a Bitcoin miner to reduce the use of natural gas, the prices of which have soared, and toast the hothouse with miner heat rather.
The family that owns the hothouse first put electric heaters because of the 6x cost of natural gas, they now get paid for their electricity, which is used for mining, and admit the heat for free.
Asked about the electronic waste issues that the mainstream media associates with Bitcoin mining, de Groot said, “ A miner should last for at least five times. We don’t know of any ASIC (S9) that has been turned toe-waste yet.


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