Opera launched the Crypto Browser project



Under the Crypto Cybersurfer design action, Opera'smulti-chain comity aims to ease the preface of Web3 to further than 380 million mobile and desktop druggies worldwide.
Opera, one of the major crypto-friendly internet cybersurfers, blazoned the integration of eight blockchains in a uninterrupted trouble to introduce Web3 to further than 380 million mobile and desktop druggies worldwide.

InJan. 2022, Opera launched the Crypto Cybersurfer design, a Web3- concentrated action for easing navigation across decentralized operations (DApp), games and metaverse platforms. As part of this action, the cybersurfer company added support for eight major blockchain ecosystems, including Bitcoin (BTC), Solana (SOL), Polygon (MATIC), StarkEx, Ronin, Celo, Nervos DAO and IXO.

Opera said in the advertisement that its druggies now have access to the Polygon and Solana DApp ecosystems, as well as"the benefits of Subcaste 2 DeFi via StarkWare-powered DiversiFi."

The rearmost integrations enable Opera druggies to pierce Polygon evidence-of- stake (POS) blockchain and Ethereum L2 ecosystem via StarkEx.
ccording to the company, the intention behind integrating multiple blockchains was to insure chain dogmas and Web3 involvement in an terrain-friendly manner. Jorgen Arnesen, EVP Mobile at Opera stated Eventually, Web3 is on its way to getting a mainstream web technology and druggies wo n’t need to know they ’re interacting with it. They need to get a superior stoner experience and a true benefit.
he advertisement further stressed the need for carbon-neutral results with low gas freights, which stands as one of the main reasons for choosing Polygon over the Ethereum blockchain.

Back inNov. 2021, Opera contender Stalwart cybersurfer integrated Solana blockchain to strengthen its DAppscapability.We have partnered with@solana to integrate it into the cybersurfer and make it the dereliction for DApp support. We'll soon bring best- by- class portmanteau features for the Solana blockchain into our desktop & mobile cybersurfers.
With further and further druggies and generators taking tools for fast and affordable access to the decentralized Web, this integration will seamlessly pave the way for the coming billion crypto druggies to harness operations and commemoratives.
Brave is yet to advertise the addition ofmulti-chain support to compete its growing competition.

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