Helping others by building a happier society for everyone

Helping others
Leaving a life that's meaningful are some things that everybody needs. However, it's not something going into a spiritual quest. All the spiritual quests are departure from life. Unfortunately, you can't find the meaning of life by departure from life.

In fact, it are often found only find the meaning here in life, not getting to some lonely place to meditate. you'll find the important essence of life only you help others because you're living with others and your relationship matters.

Why do you have to help others?

You are living during this world because there are people . are you able to imagine living on this huge earth alone? Undoubtedly, you'll go crazy if you discover yourself alone during this world.

Life takes place in reference to others. Whether it's someone from India or someone from Russia, that doesn't really matter, it's an equivalent person . Your idea of separate human is simply an idea; otherwise, you all are inter-related and inter-connected.

Hence, by helping the poor, you'll make this world a far better place to measure . People would like to be around you and other people will bless you. Blessing never comes from the gods, in fat. It can only come from living beings. Hence, you would like to help people if you want a blessed life.

How are you able to help poor people?

If you check out the planet closely, then you'll see that there's inequality. Governments and other organizations try to repair this gap but it'll add up only you discover how to contribute to the planet .

There are many of us who even don't not have food to eat. Now, that's something sad because it's a basic thing that each living being must-have. But humans became the sole creatures that are starving. No other animals and birds are starving.

You would also find kids without education. A world that's not educated would slowly drift apart to a nasty state. If you would like the expansion of the planet , then you ought to and must educate poor kids who don't have money to possess an honest education.

There are people that also are struggling to possess shelter and clothes; the planet is an utterly depressing place to measure now. you want to find how to offer shelters to poor people. you would possibly not be ready to build a home but you'll contribute to the civic center to feed and provides shelter to the people that live differently within the community.

How do you have to approach?

you'll help people in some ways . as an example , you'll participate in cultural exchange programs otherwise you can simply join awareness campaigns to teach poor people
you'll help someone having medical treatment and medicines thus giving someone life. there's nothing better than giving life to people
you'll see help from NGOs and other organizations that are working towards the betterment of the poor community

In fact, there are variety of the way and means to assist poor people. All you would like to possess is that the compassionate heart and a loving mind.

It is time to know the essence of life by finding the ways to assist people because you'll only find spiritual satisfaction by h going the people. Poor people may need been born poor but they need all the proper to measure an upscale and delightful life.

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