An Encouraging a Smart Public Leaders growth

Smart Public Leaders
During apparent, and/ or, actual crises, it's essential, for politicians, to begin, transforming to statesmen, once they are elected, and hold public office! What the planet , and therefore the us , needs, especially now, are SMART leaders, who, instead of , merely, articulating populist rhetoric, are ready, willing, and ready to surround themselves, with quality, expert, advisers, instead of , merely, political appointments, and yes - men! While, the personal/ political motives/ agenda, of those, serving in positions, where they're elected to serve and represent, the simplest interest of all citizens, has, often been the case, we've never witnessed, in recent memory, what we've , these past three years! True leadership should mean, avoiding short - cuts, or the trail of least effort , but, far too - often, Americans have elected a pacesetter , with a well-liked message, no matter its potential ramifications, etc. thereupon in mind, this text will plan to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this suggests and represents, and why, it should concern us.

Sustainable; strategy/ strategic; systems; solutions: It's dangerous, and unrealistic/ irresponsible, to think, only, short - term, rather than, that specialize in the best , sustainable possibilities! we'd like individuals, with a meaningful strategy, and therefore the ability to proceed, with the systems, needed, to supply strategic, sustainable solutions, to guard future generations, etc. This is, especially, important, in our environmental protections/ policies, addressing global climate change (rather than denying it, etc), and public health issues!

Myopic; meaningful; make mark; motivate/ motivating: Often, populist politicians, proceed, during a dangerous, myopic manner, and lack of the degree of sustainable concern, and planning, which is required , and necessary! How can one make his mark, for the higher , if his plans, and actions, aren't truly, meaningful? While, some could also be motivated, by political/ populist rhetoric, and/ or, empty promises, the sole essential, motivating messages, are those, seeking to deal with the greater good!

Attitude; aptitude; attention; articulate: rather than promoting negativism, a true leader, must proceed, consistently, with a positive, can - do, attitude! It takes someone with relevant experience, and expertise, to proceed, with the required aptitude, and skill - set, and therefore the willingness, and a spotlight , to specialise in , not only, this , but, also, the intermediate and longer - term ramifications, of any actions (as well because the failure to proceed forward, during a timely manner)! Beware, what someone articulates, and what he does, aren't always, the same!

Relevant; realistic; responsive: Procrastination, denial, blaming and complaining, etc, could also be someone's political response, and approach, but, is never the best path, or a relevant, sustainable one! Americans must, within the future, closely examine candidate's readiness, etc, during a realistic, responsive manner! What we, are witnessing, lately , seems to several , to be the antithesis, of what's needed, and necessary, for the common good!

True/ trust; timely; time - tested: When will voters, begin to start , better, and more honest, truthful statements? nobody will gain, or earn our trust, unless/ until, he proceeds, consistently, during a well - considered, timely manner, and uses a mixture of a relevant imagination/ innovation, and, learns effectively from the relevant, time  tested lessons .

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