Future Political Debates Tells only part of the story/not the whole story

political debates
For several months, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has overseen, and conducted many debates, with the intention of letting the general public , and Democrats, get to understand potential candidates, and make a wiser, better - informed decision. However, for a mess of reasons, these events have, in many way, appeared to be, more entertainment/ freak - show, etc, than how to urge a far better understanding, and have real questions answered. Whether, it's due to the format, the moderators, or the will to hog - camera - time, we should, perhaps, reconsider, if there could also be a much better way, for these individuals, to speak , a more, in - depth message. thereupon in mind, this text will plan to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 reasons, we are witnessing, what some ask , as a train - wreck.

Sound - bytes rather than solutions: Haven't we seen, enough, of specific elected officials, blame and complain, instead of introducing viable solutions? In a few minute, with interruptions, etc, how can anyone explain things, thoroughly? In watching the government building , format, it became obvious, when candidates are given time, and a chance , to completely answer, the message, and communication, is, both better, and more complete! During these debates, many of the participants, seem to, merely, try, to make a catchy, sound - byte, which, they hope, the general public will remember! additionally , when accusations are made, whether true, false, or somewhere, in - between, shouldn't the accused person, have the proper to completely respond?

Everything said isn't true: Unfortunately, politicians often make statements, which, either, aren't true, or are, partially, false! we frequently witness, more, perpetuation of misstatements, than anything, relevant, and/ or worthwhile!

Scream - fest, not debate: Many feel, these debates have deteriorated into, more, of a scream - fest, than an actual debate, or relevant, factual discussion! Shouldn't we determine, who may best serve and represent the simplest interests of the state , and constituents, than, who are often rude enough, and loud enough, to talk - over their competition, and gain, more screen - time?

Avoiding answers, and moderators permit: When, candidates avoid giving answers, and therefore the moderators permit it, those breaking the principles , gain from doing so! additionally , by diverting attention, and avoiding, providing meaningful, relevant responses, this becomes, more, an exercise, than informative!

The format/ strategy/ objectivity: In one debate, the moderators permitted, the candidates to pile - on, against one candidate, several seemed to consider, a so - called, threat! By letting some candidates give statements, or make accusations, and not permitting sufficient time, for the accused, to reply , it skews the looks , and content, of the discussion!
Depending on, where one, primarily gets his news and knowledge , it seems, the identical event, is said , considerably differently! actually , fairly often , it doesn't even appear, they're discussing an equivalent matter! In some cases, this is often because, of a person's personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest, while, at other times, it's simply a matter of differing perceptions, of an equivalent issues! However, unfortunately, we frequently witness, an abuse of this process, when, there seems to be little, to no attempt, at being fair, and/ or, impartial! due to this. and the way many places, information, lately , is out there , we've apparently reached a time, when some, believe they're entitled, not only to their own opinions, but their own facts, also! thereupon in mind, this text will plan to , briefly, consider, examine, and review, using the mnemonic approach, some ways, to differentiate between real facts, and faux news.

Future; face facts; fruition; furnish: President Donald Trump seems, to call anything, or anyone, who disagrees with him, fake! His spokespersons proclaim, these aren't fake, but alternatives! Consider, whether, the ideas, are supported realistically, facing the facts, and, how varying actions, may need ramifications, into the future! Will the strategy, furnish the best path, especially on a risk/ reward basis, and supported scientific evidence, to furnish, the simplest course of action. Mike Bloomberg often says, In God We Trust. Everyone else, bring data!

Attitude; aptitude; attention; articulate; actions; assumptions: Are these facts, or merely assumptions, supported a pre - conceived notion, prejudgment, and/ or bias, or some personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest? Consider the individual's attitude, and whether it's , positive, can - do, or negative, and worst - case, focused! concentrate as to if , the politician features a relevant, well - developed, aptitude, and skill - set, and whether he articulates a message, loaded with rhetoric and empty promises, or a well - considered, strategic approach to implementing the best action plan, and whether, he proceeds, proactively, or resorts to procrastination!

Knowledge; know: Does he, really, know what he's talking about, where did he gain his knowledge, and/ or, is he simply reciting, the last, best idea, the newest one, he spoke to, told him?

Empathy; efforts; enrich; excellence; endurance: we'd like a pacesetter , with the commitment and endurance, to persist, especially when an obstacle, gets in his way! Great leaders effectively listen, and learn, and proceed with genuine empathy, and focus their efforts, on enriching our nation, citizens, and planet!

Everything, which someone claims to be, a fact, may be a real one! stand back from FAKE facts, and punctiliously , determine, accuracy, and relevancy, of any suggestion,

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